10 predictions about how the “New Norm” would look like

Covid-19 has disrupted our lives in a way than none of us would have predicted. The current thinking is that we will go back to normal (albeit a new normal) when effective vaccines will be available.

In this blog, I would like to share with you my thoughts how the ‘New Norm’ would look like. This exercise is not about fortune-telling but more about forecasting.

  1. We will become more health conscious (we will eat healthier, we will exercise more and we will sleep more).
  2. The value of the family unit will increase and we will spend more quality time together.
  3. We will be working more from home although we will still have opportunities to connect in person for a few days per week/month.
  4. There will be more need for space and access to nature.
  5. Most of education and up-skilling will take place either online or on the job (or a combination of both).
  6. We will become more sociable and caring although we will interact less with people in person.
  7. Activities with large audiences will be virtual or hybrid.
  8. We will travel less frequently to other countries. When we do, we will stay longer.
  9. Social media usage will increase. At the same time, regulations will be introduced to avoid monopolies and manipulation.
  10. Our value system and aspirations will focus more on improving quality of life and overcoming social problems (inequalities, climate change, etc) and less on consumerism and monetary gratification…

This is how I visualise that the ‘New Norm’ would look like. I have discussed the benefits of this exercise in the blog post ‘Imagine the Future; the art of forecasting can be useful not only for corporations but also for individuals’.

I would suggest you put some thinking in how you would like the new norm to be.

Why you need to care: For two reasons. First, you will be better prepared for it. Most importantly though, if you have a vision of how you want the ‘New Norm’ to be, you will help create it.

I started the b4iapply blog because I passionately believe in empowering people to make informed decisions about their career, their finances and other societal topics that affect all of us directly or indirectly. I only share my views and I aim to be balanced, constructive and solution-oriented.

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